Employers have always been concerned about the
potential for worker reclassification, but health care reform and a recent NLRB
decision take this issue to an entirely new level. gLargeh employers who
offer coverage will be required to offer coverage to gallh of their gfull-time
workers,h defined as at least 95% of employees working 30 hours per week. An
employer that offers coverage to only 94% of its full-time employees, and has
one employee who enrolled on an exchange with a premium credit, will be subject
to annualized penalties of $2,000 per full-time employee, less the first 30
employees. This draconian penalty applies to all employees, not just
the percentage excluded from the offer.
Consider that the NLRB just shocked the college sector with its ruling that
Northwestern University students with football scholarships are
employees for purposes of the National Labor Relations Act. The
immediate result is that if the players with scholarships organize themselves
with a labor organization, they can collectively bargain for themselves against
Northwestern University. (Of course, we presume there will be further legal
challenges.) But think about what this means in the context of taxes and health
care reform. Will the IRS deem the students to be employees, liable for taxes,
and full-time employees of Northwestern University for purposes of the health
care reform employer mandate?
Northwestern Universityfs website reports that the University has 3,820
full-time faculty and 6,000 full-time staff. Letfs consider a hypothetical: on
January 1, 2016, the IRS reclassifies enough students and independent
contractors as gfull-time employeesh so as to cause the University to miss the
95% mark, and at least one employee used a premium credit to purchase coverage
on an exchange. It appears that after paying all the health care plan costs, the
University could also be liable for a penalty in the neighborhood of
$20 million, per year.
The shared
responsibility final regulations define gemployeeh using the common law
standard. The regulations list some individuals that are not considered
employees. For example, a gleased employeeh as defined in Code Section 414(n)(2)
is not an gemployeeh of the service recipient. So good, so far. Then, in the
preamble, the Treasury Department and IRS acknowledge employersf concerns about
potential reclassification of employees. Commentators had suggested that
Section 530 of the Revenue Act of 1978 should be applied in the context of Code
Section 4980H penalties. Essentially, Section 530 protected employers, on a
retroactive basis, unless the employer ghad no reasonable basis for not treating
such individual as an employee.h
But the Treasury and IRS rejected the request, arguing that gthe
relief requested would serve to increase the potential for worker
misclassification by significantly increasing the benefit of having an employee
treated as an independent contractor.h In fact, the IRS and DOL are already
engaged in a Misclassification
Initiative, targeting independent contractor arrangements. Now eliminate the
greasonable basish standard, and add in the possibility that the IRS can collect
penalties in the range of $20 millionfrom a single
We have talked to employees who were eagerly awaiting health care reform so
they could leave their employers and start their own businesses. But in another
one of those odd twists on the road of health care reform, self-employment
dreams, like athletic scholarship dreams, could be imploded by a health care
reform land mine. Given the high stakes involved with a failure to satisfy the
95% test, employers need to consider their margin for error, and give serious
consideration to the circumstances involving anyone who is performing services
but is not being treated as an employee. Keeping in mind that the reasonable
basis standard does not apply in the context of health care reform, are you
confident that you can establish that the facts and circumstances support your
presumption that these people are not your employees, have you calculated the
cost of being wrong, and are these relationships worth the